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stARTup Art Fair LA 2016 image

A new contemporary at fair at Highland Gardens Hotel Date Fri, Jan 29 at 12pm - Sun, Jan 31 at 7pm Location Highland Gardens Hotel 7047 Franklin Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028 Doni Silver Simons - Room 120 Tickets     This fair was created by co-founders Ray Beldner and Steve Zavattero. It was curated by a venerable selection committee of art world experts. These images represent two distinct bodies of work that developed simultaneously and are conceptually linked. Both explore interval, time, and the cyclical nature of repetition. In the first body of work, regarding thread as the basic unit of a woven system (i.e., lines in a drawing) I desiccate the canvas. Utilizing a multifaceted approach to transforming the canvas, deconstruction precedes reconstruction. Repetition, interval, and time are literally represented in ...

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Jerusalem Biennale 2015 image

September 24 - November 5 Doni Silver Simons is showing at 3 venues. 7,567 mi -> / Achim Hasid Complex/ 47 Emek Rephaim St. Opening Reception: 9.26 / 20:30 On View: Miles & Minutes ll Women of the Book / The First Train Station / 14 David Remez St. Opening Reception: 9.29 / 19.30 On View: Bamidbar IMA IYLA"A: The Art of Motherhood / Hechal Shlomo Museum / 58 King George St. Opening Reception: 9.30 / 20:00 On View: Embrace & Turbulence in A Sea of ...

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